Cloud Native App
Matchmaking Platform

Building global reach for a matchmaking platform

Roka, a dynamic dating platform is redefining the dating experience by fostering meaningful connections and cultural unity. This small and medium-sized business (SMB) has strategically chosen AWS microservices to power its platform, ensuring scalability, reliability, and security.

Scope of Work

The proposed solution includes a microservices architecture on AWS with Kotlin and Swift for iOS and Android apps, an Angular-based admin panel, and a Node.js and MySQL backend API for efficient data management and user interactions.

Architecture Design

Design a microservices architecture hosted on AWS, and defined the data flow, processing, and storage mechanisms, ensuring efficient and secure handling of user data.

Infrastructure Setup

Set up auto-scaling groups and VPCs, configure multiple regions and availability zones for high availability, and use AWS CloudFormation for efficient deployment and management.

Cloud Native Development

Build an Android app with Kotlin, an iOS app with Swift, and an Angular admin panel on EC2 instances, using Node.js and MySQL for backend APIs, and AWS Lambda for microservices.

Tech Stack

With AWS technologies at its core, Roka's platform sets new standards for user experience and scalability. This robust infrastructure ensures Roka remains at the forefront of innovation in the competitive dating app market.

AWS Lambda
Amazon EC2
Amazon RDS
Amazon S3
Amazon VPC

Roka connects singles and their acquaintances to foster genuine relationships. The app features customizable profiles, matchmaker capabilities, global matchmaking, and options for serious dating. Prioritizing a safe and secure dating environment, Roka helps users find like-minded individuals and enjoy enriching dating experiences.

Project Goals
Increase in user satisfaction post-launch
Increase in concurrent user handling capacity
Uptime achieved with multi-region deployment

Project Challenges

To launch this matchmaking platform, security was a top priority, requiring strict adherence to OWASP guidelines with HTTPS and JWT for secure data transmission. Robust user verification and moderation controls within the EC2-hosted admin panel were essential to uphold platform integrity and user trust, incorporating KYC verification and comprehensive user management functionalities.

The process

We prioritize agile methodologies throughout the development cycle, allowing for flexibility and rapid iteration based on feedback and evolving needs.

Solution journey

Roka's matchmaking platform utilizes AWS microservices for its architecture, ensuring scalability and efficiency, while maintaining robust security measures.

Microservices Architecture

Leveraged AWS Lambda for implementing microservices, enabling scalability and efficient management of distinct application components.

Scalable Infrastructure

Utilized AWS auto-scaling groups and Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) to support dynamic scaling of resources based on demand, ensuring high availability and efficient resource management.

Native Mobile Applications

Developed native iOS and Android apps using Kotlin and Swift, ensuring optimal performance and a seamless user experience on mobile devices.

Security Measures

Implemented HTTPS encryption and JWT (JSON Web Tokens) for secure data transmission and user authentication, adhering to OWASP guidelines to protect sensitive user information.

Final Result

One notable result was a 30% improvement in user satisfaction post-launch, reflecting enhanced platform responsiveness and usability across Android, iOS, and web interfaces. 

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