When it comes to developing mobile apps, there is no doubt that the Android operating system receives all of the attention, which is well deserved.
Are you an entrepreneur interested in developing or already having a mobile app developed? If this is the case, you will undoubtedly require in-depth knowledge of recent Android app development trends.

- Top Android Application Development Trends To Watch Out For In 2022
The Android apps continue to undergo implacable changes, primarily dominated by the user experience and Google's constant innovations. To stay ahead of the competition, you must demonstrate these trends as an entrepreneur.
- Android Instant Apps
Although instant Android apps are not very common, these app display types are gradually gaining popularity. Android Instant Apps SDK and App Links Assistant are provided to software developers, allowing them to build mobile solutions from scratch or convert existing apps into Instant Apps.
A working example of the type can be seen in the following: the Instant app allows users to try different games on the applications without installing that app on the device. Sounds exciting, right? These apps have the advantage of being compatible with all devices, requiring less storage space, and providing a pleasant user experience and user interface.
Instant apps are the future and one of the most significant trends in mobile app development, allowing users to use the app without sacrificing space on their smartphones. This is the technology intended to significantly aid and push the adoption of multiple sectors such as eCommerce and games to secure a spot among the top Android app development trends.
- Navigation Component
Navigation refers to the various interactions that allow the user to move around in the app's various sections and content pieces. Android jetpacks include navigation components that aid developers in implementing navigations. The consequences could range from a simple button click to a complex pattern like a navigation drawer.
The navigation component also provides a predictable and consistent user experience because the developers who implement it adhere to the stated navigation principles.
- Blockchain Technology
Blockchain technology has been discussed for many years but has finally been implemented. Blockchain technology improves decentralized app development by eliminating unauthorized access and increasing transparency.
The blockchain technology market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 62.73 percent to $52.5 billion by 2026. Decentralized apps (Dapps) are open source, smart contract-based software applications that conduct blockchain transactions. These applications operate on a decentralized blockchain, and their data cannot be changed or erased. These apps are the future of mobile app development because they allow for faster payment, more reliable data records, and are tamper-proof.
An android app development company in UK can maintain strong security protocols with the help of blockchain technology. This inclusion is quickly becoming a part of the trends in android development, particularly in financial sectors such as currency exchanges, banks, etc.
- Google Assistant/Chatbot
Many business owners will be interested in integrating their app services with Google Assistant in the coming years. The primary benefit of investing in such an integration is allowing users to access the app more quickly. Users gain access to an app's deep-link by using Google app actions, which allows them to perform specific activities inside the app from the Google Assistant.
Google announced at CES 2020 that it would release a new feature for Google Assistant. The new "Scheduled Actions" feature will allow users to communicate with smart devices via Google Assistant, such as turning on/off a smart device, making a coffee, and so on. The feature will be capable of controlling 20 home devices, such as lights, coffee machines, and air conditioners, among others.
- Multiplatform Development Through Flutter
Google has unveiled Flutter, a new technology heralded as the future of Android development. Flutter is a cross-platform framework that allows you to create beautiful apps from a single codebase.
Because of its flexibility, many developers have chosen this platform to build mobile apps. The primary reasons for using Flutter are that it is simple to learn, has a native design, and so on.
It is one of the most popular frameworks for developing minimum viable products. Instead of spending money on two separate apps, you can quickly create one on a native platform like iOS or Android.
With the most recent update, Google expanded Flutter beyond mobile and onto the web. Flutter developers can now target macOS, Windows, and Linux, as well as other embedded devices. Flutter's desktop support includes plugins that support a variety of platforms.
The new Flutter and Dart updates have been released with Significant Performance Improvements over previous releases. With new platform support, Flutter is ready to create iOS, Android, Fuchsia, web, and desktop apps. Furthermore, they are in discussions with Ubuntu for Linux apps, Microsoft's Android Surface Duo, and Windows 10X, which will be available soon.
The following are some notable advancements made in Flutter in 2021-22:
- Decreased size and latency
- Less janky animations, and quicker treatment of UTF-8 strings
- Mouse cursor support
- New widgets such as an Interactive viewer-making pen
- Zoom and drag-n-drop
- Range slider and date picker revamped
- Integrating Flutter to the current application made suitable with Pigeon
- Improved help for Metal on iOS and new Material gadgets.

- Internet of Things
The implementation of IoT is one of the key mobile app development trends for 2022. (Internet of Things). These trends translate into many Android things that allow developers to build devices on top of well-known hardware platforms like Raspberry Pi. The best part is that developers do not need prior knowledge of system design to start. Instead, developers can use Android Studio and the Android SDK to create apps.
The introduction of 5G will allow more devices and data traffic. According to some estimates, 5th generation wireless network technology will connect 1.5 billion devices worldwide in the coming years. It is also predicted that global IoT connections will triple to 25 billion by 2025, with global IoT revenue quadrupling to $1.1 trillion.
As a result, in addition to advancing the hospitality and industrial sectors, IoT will focus on developing smart parking lots, street lights, and traffic controls.
The primary components of mobile enterprise development are APM (Application Performance Management) and EMM (Enterprise Mobile Management). These technologies are primarily used to improve the performance of mobile apps. They have become the quality tester for mobile apps as the overall trend in mobile application development trends has increased.
APM will reflect application behavior, measure statistics for devices and operating systems, and screen user performance to determine which application features are used in the future. As the application landscape and business infrastructure migrate to the cloud, APM will provide powerful tools for monitoring app resources, associating retrieved data with user insights, and adjusting performance with business processes.
EMM will include mobile device management, app management, application wrapping, containerization, and some enterprise file synchronization and sharing components.
EMM has grown many folds from the work-from-home context and is looking into process automation, workflow optimization, easier and smoother communication flow, and data exchange.
- Motion Layout
The layout developers use to manage their apps' motion and widget animations. This app is part of the Constraint Layout library and works with Android 4.0. Because these tools are known to provide high-end and useful features, the team can quickly fill in all the gaps between complex motion handling and layout transitions using these libraries.
Developers will use Motion Layout to create multiple interfaces that use animations to help them understand what is going on with the app.
- Beacon Technology
Businesses have gradually begun to use beacon technology extensively, allowing them to target potential clients uniquely. Beacons are transmitting devices that communicate with mobile devices in that range, and companies can use the technology to send various notifications about special offers, nearby hotels, and so on.
Many industries can benefit from the transformation of beacon technology from a push marketing strategy to an opt-in strategy. The technology can be used both on-cloud and on-premises, assisting it in gaining traction and promoting growth in the coming years.
Businesses can connect with their customers more contextually thanks to beacon-based notifications. In 2022, beacon-enabled airports and beacon-enabled mobile payment will be a beacon technology trend.
Some businesses anticipate the rapid development and use of iBeacon and other similar marketing devices.
- Android Enterprise
In 2022, digital transformation will be critical for businesses. The Google-led initiative - Android enterprise - enables employees to use Android apps at work. The Android Enterprise program provides developers with APIs and other tools to integrate Android support into enterprise mobility management solutions.

- Wrapping Up
Each year brings innovations and ideas, and these trends continue to evolve. Based on the aforementioned latest trends in android app development, we can undoubtedly state that the Android Operating System is rapidly evolving to provide users with a seamless experience.
Given the trends in mobile app development, businesses are opting for app development and seeking the cost of developing an app.